Hey, it’s is Julianne Murray and I am here for our Murray Monday Minute.
By now people have heard, I filed a lawsuit. I am challenging Vote-by-Mail. Filed it as an attorney, not as a candidate. It’s an apolitical suit.
Really, wasn’t not planning about talking about it at all, but it has gotten now there, so I might as well go ahead.
I am representing a Republican, a Democrat, and an Independent voter from New Castle, Kent County, and Sussex County. This is for all Delawareans.
Very simple. It is a challenge that SB3201 is unconstitutional under the Delaware Constitution2. Delaware Constitution provides specific excuses for why you cannot vote in-person3.
SB320 is a No-excuse Vote-by-Mail. So, it is for all of us, it is very important. I will keep you guys updated on it.
I told you I was going to be fearless.
Fearless out!
Next Monday: Actions vs Words >
§ 4A. General laws for absentee voting.
Section 4A. The General Assembly shall enact general laws providing that any qualified elector of this State, duly registered, who shall be unable to appear to cast his or her ballot at any general election at the regular polling place of the election district in which he or she is registered, either because of being in the public service of the United States or of this State, or his or her spouse or dependents when residing with or accompanying him or her because of the nature of his or her business or occupation, because of his or her sickness or physical disability, because of his or her absence from the district while on vacation, or because of the tenets or teachings of his or her religion, may cast a ballot at such general election to be counted in such election district.