
Gun Violence

Monday, September 12, 2022: Kathy Jennings' phrase that she is delivering for Delaware communities that are safe from gun violence - I want to quantify actual shootings

Hey, it’s Julianne Murray, and I’m here to do our Murray Monday Minute.

Last week I said that my opponent Kathy Jennings and her campaign materials is saying she is “delivering for Delaware”. And I talked about her relationship with Law Enforcement Community.

This week what I’m going to talk about is her phrase that she is delivering for Delaware communities that are safe from gun violence.

Now we all know that I have hammered the idea that she dropped 85% of gun charges, but I want to quantify actual shootings.

Earlier this year there is a database I talked about that is on Delaware Online1 where they actually track shootings - listen to these numbers:

  • 43 killed and 146 wounded in 2019

  • 69 killed and 249 wounded in 2020

  • 81 killed and 212 wounded in 2021

  • And so far in ‘22 - 26 killed and 119 wounded2

That is a total of 219 people killed and 726 people wounded by guns since Kathy Jennings took office.

That’s not keeping our communities safe from gun violence.

On November 8th, you need to vote like your life depends on it - it does.

I told you I was going to be fearless.

Fearless out!

Next Monday: WE WON! >


As of 9/18/2022, 28 killed and 124 wounded