

Monday, September 19, 2022: Vote-by-Mail is unconstitutional - it was the right decision

Hey, it’s Julianne Murray, and I’m here for our Murray Monday Minute, in the wind, so everybody gets to enjoy that.

Vote-by-Mail is unconstitutional - it was the right decision.

I’m pleased, but people seem to not get what this argument was about…

I had somebody come up to me at one of the fairs this weekend, and said “what’s my problem with vote by mail?”, and I said, I have not problem with vote-by-mail, but the issue is, that under the Delaware Constitution excuses are required in order to vote Absentee.

The Vote-by-Mail Bill that has now been declared unconstitutional was a no-excuse vote-by-mail.

What’s the process? We amend the constitution if we want to change that. That has always been about.

If they want vote-by-mail, they need to pass it over 2 sessions, two-thirds of the votes and amend the constitution.

I took an oath as an attorney that I would support and defend the Delaware Constitution, and I did.

As your Attorney General, I’m going to defend the Delaware Constitution.

You need to vote on November 8th like you life depends on it - because it does.

Told you I was going to be fearless.

Fearless out!

Next Monday: Candidate Forum >