
Forgive Vs. Forget

Monday, May 9, 2022: What is the difference between a pardon and an expungement?

Hey! It’s Julianne Murray and we are here to film our Murray Monday Minute.  

Last week, I talked about expungements and that has actually provoked a question of what is the difference between a pardon1 and an expungement2?  

Think of it as forgive versus forget, okay.  

A pardon is actually forgiving you.  

It is taking it forgiving you the crime and you get your civil liberties back that were given up when you were convicted.  It is actually forgiveness.  

There is a process to it.  You have to get your certified criminal history and do this for both processes.  Application it goes before a board of pardons that has actually comprised of the lieutenant governor, the secretary of state, the chancellor from chancery court, and then two other seats are the state auditor and the state treasurer.  It is normally three people, but it is a board and they make a recommendation of whether or not they are going to recommend the pardon and it goes to the Governor.  That is the pardon side.  

Expungement is forget.  

It is actually removing something from your record.  Arrests are on your record and in order to get them removed, you actually have to have them expunged.  

Now, there has been a lot happening in Delaware, where they are actually doing mandatory expungement.  I am in favor of that.  I think that it’s a good thing.  Three to seven years depends on the crime, but there is a huge difference.  

Just remember, forgive versus forget.

Told you I was going to be fearless about this.  

Fearless out!

Next Monday: The Structure of Attorney General’s Office >