
Why this is a winnable election?

February 14, 2022: The numbers bear it out

Hey, it’s Julianne Murray here for our Murray Monday Minute.  

Last time, I said that this was a winnable election.  Why? This is a little egg-heady, but I want to get into the numbers.  

This is what’s called a mid-term election.  No President at the top of the ballot.  

The average number in Delaware is about 350,000 votes, half of that is a 175,000.  

In 2020, more than a 190,000 people voted for me.  160,000 of that were machine votes and about a little over 30,000 were mail-in votes.  

160,000 people waited in line, one, two, and three hours because they believed that I was in this for we the people.  I still am!

This is absolutely a winnable election.  The numbers bear it out.

Tune in next week for our next segment Murray Monday Minute.

Next Monday: Highest Priority >