
The Numbers DON’T LIE!

Monday, August 29, 2022: Where crime is on the rise, dropped charges are absolutely fair game and crime is on the rise

Hey, it’s Julianne Murray and I am here for our Murray Monday Minute.  

In case you missed it, our current AG and I were on the front page of the Delaware State News last Sunday1.  

This was in response to a previous Murray Monday Minute where I said actions speak louder than words.  

Apparently, Ms. Jennings takes exception to my statistics and called them flat out false. I got my numbers from a Delaware state agency, out of DelJIS2, not false, but there was a keyword in the article.  She said that they have a conviction rate of 85% of indicted charges.  

Indictments happen later in the process and a lot of times charges were dropped pre-indictment. I should know. I did criminal defense, but that’s key here.  

Let’s put those numbers together. 85% of cases are dropped. So, that means 15% are indicted or prosecuted and she has an 85% conviction rate of that, 85% of 15%, not so impressive.

A reporter recently asked me, what’s more important, charges or convictions? And I told him that they’re both are important because they give you the temperature of what’s going on.

In an Attorney General race where crime is on the rise, dropped charges are absolutely fair game and crime is on the rise. We’re not safer than we were four years ago.  

Why do I keep harping on this? Because the numbers don’t lie.  

She may be saying that prosecuting gun violence is her number one priority and maybe it is for 2022 because it is an election year, but it hasn’t been the prior three years.  

On November 8th, vote like your life depends on it. It does!

I told you I was going to be fearless.  

Fearless out!

Next Monday: The Dysfunction of Kathy Jennings >


DelJIS: Delaware Criminal Justice Information System