
Get to know Julianne

Monday, January 3, 2022: It’s an election year, and I am running to be the next Attorney General for the State of Delaware

Hi, I am Julianne Murray.  Happy New Year!  Welcome to 2022!  You know what happens in 2022? It’s an election year, and I am running to be the next attorney general for the state of Delaware.  We figured so that you could get to know me,  I could get to know you,  we would start a Murray Monday Minute.  This is our very first one.

We are going to use these, so that we can talk about the law, talk about hot issues, talk about statistics, the constitution, a whole bunch of different stuff.  You have the opportunity to enter questions or send the questions at our website murrayfordelaware.com and we will just pick topics and spend a minute on them.  For this very first one, we thought, maybe you should get to know me.

Many of you may recognize me because I ran for governor of Delaware in 2020.  I ran, because I thought like Delaware had lost its way.  I still feel that way, but the biggest issue is law and order.  We have lost our streets in Delaware.  The criminal element is winning.  We have to take our streets back.  I want to lead that fight.  I am hoping that you’re going to join Team Murray as you get to know us.  This is all about us.  We have to take Delaware back.

On a personal note, I want to give you an idea of who I am personally.  I am 51 years old.  I am married to Patrick.  I am a dog-mom to four dogs; Clementine, Charley, Indiana, and Kelby.  I went to law school at the age of 38.  Yep! I was a late bloomer.  Graduated when I was 41, went to Widener, right here in Delaware.  Opened my own law firm; Murray Law, LLC and I am now the managing partner for Murray, Phillips & Gay.  I’ve been practicing for 10 years.  I am a constitutional attorney that is ready to be the top cop and the top lawyer in this state.

Next Monday: Person Prohibited >